Creative recipes : How to cook with plant flowers ?

Issa D | 12 May 2024
Reading time : about 5 minutes
Creative recipes :  How to cook with plant flowers ?

    There are many ways to cook with plant flowers!

    Here are a few ideas to inspire you :

    1. Add edible flowers to salads for a touch of color and fragrance. Some popular flowers to use in salads are borage, nasturtium, pansy and lavender flowers.

    2. Make a flower pesto using flowers such as lavender or violet. Mix with olive oil, grated Parmesan and walnuts to make a tasty sauce for pasta or toast.

    3. Make a dessert using edible flowers. For example, you could make a lavender flower tart or rose flower macaroons.

    4. Add dried flowers to your infusions to give a little fragrance and color to your favorite hot drink.

    5. Make a flower jam using flowers such as elderflowers or blackberries to add a touch of sweetness and fragrance to your homemade jams.

    It's important to stress that you shouldn't eat just any flower. Some flowers are inedible and may be toxic. Be sure to find out about edible flowers before using them in your recipes.

    The benefits of edible plant flowers

    Not only are edible flowers delicious, they also have many health benefits. Here are just a few examples of the benefits of edible flowers :

    1. They're a source of vitamins and minerals : some edible flowers are rich in vitamins A, C and E, as well as minerals such as iron, calcium and magnesium.

    2. They can help reduce stress : some edible flowers, such as lavender, are known to have soothing properties and can help reduce stress and anxiety.

    3. They can improve digestion : some edible flowers, such as chamomile, can help relieve stomach aches and improve digestion.

    4. They can improve skin health : some edible flowers, such as calendula flowers, are rich in antioxidants and can help protect the skin from free radicals and improve its health.

    It's important to stress that not just any flower should be eaten. Some flowers are inedible and may be toxic. Be sure to learn about edible flowers before using them in your recipes.

    Robiniet flowers : beware of confusion!

    It's important not to confuse robiniet flowers with other edible flowers, as they can be toxic when ingested. Here are a few examples of flowers that can easily be confused with robinia flowers :

    1. Lime blossoms : although these flowers look similar to robinia blossoms, they are edible and can be used in salads or to flavor drinks.

    2. Cherry blossoms : although similar in appearance to robinia blossoms, these are edible and can be used to add color and fragrance to a variety of dishes.

    3. Elderflowers : although these flowers are similar in shape and color to robinia flowers, they are edible and can be used to flavor drinks or to make jams.

    It's important to note that, although these flowers are edible, it's advisable not to consume them in large quantities, as they can cause stomach upset. Be sure to read up on edible flowers before using them in your recipes.

    Zucchini flower tart

    Here's a recipe for zucchini flower tart that might interest you :

    Ingredients :

    • 1 shortcrust pastry

    • 4 eggs

    • 50 g grated Parmesan cheese

    • 100 ml crème fraîche

    • salt and pepper

    • 1 bunch zucchini flowers

    • olive oil

    To prepare :

    1. Preheat oven to 180°C.

    2. Roll out the shortcrust pastry in a tart tin and prick it with a fork.

    3. Beat the eggs, crème fraîche and Parmesan in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper.

    4. Carefully wash and dry the zucchini flowers. Heat them in a frying pan with a little olive oil until lightly browned.

    5. Spread the zucchini flowers over the pastry and pour the egg mixture over them.

    6. Place the tart in the oven for around 30 minutes, until golden-brown.

    7. Let cool before serving. Serve hot or cold, with a green salad.

    I hope you enjoy this recipe! Feel free to modify it to suit your tastes by adding other ingredients, such as vegetables or aromatic herbs.

    Lamb's lettuce and nasturtium salad

    Here's a recipe for lamb's lettuce salad with nasturtium flowers :

    Ingredients :

    • 1 bunch lamb's lettuce

    • 1 bunch nasturtium flowers

    • 100 g walnuts

    • 50 g goat's cheese

    • Vinaigrette (olive oil, vinegar, mustard, salt, pepper)

    Preparation :

    1. Thoroughly wash and dry the lamb's lettuce and nasturtium flowers.

    2. Break walnuts into pieces.

    3. Cut goat's cheese into small cubes.

    4. Mix the lamb's lettuce, nasturtium flowers, walnuts and goat's cheese in a salad bowl.

    5. Prepare a vinaigrette by mixing olive oil, vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper. Pour over the salad and toss well.

    6. Serve the salad fresh, with toast if you like.

    I hope you enjoy this recipe! Feel free to modify it to suit your tastes by adding other ingredients, such as vegetables or herbs. The nasturtium flowers are delicious and add a touch of color and fragrance to this salad.

    Cake with edible plant flowers

    Here's an edible flower cake recipe that might interest you :

    Ingredients :

    • 250 g flour

    • 1 sachet baking powder

    • 4 eggs

    • 150 g sugar

    • 150 ml oil

    • 250 ml milk

    • 1 bouquet of edible flowers (e.g. lavender, rose, nasturtium)

    • Powdered sugar for dusting

    Preparation :

    1. Preheat oven to 180°C.

    2. Mix flour and baking powder in a bowl.

    3. In another bowl, beat the eggs with the sugar until frothy. Add the oil and milk and mix well.

    4. Add the flour and yeast to the egg mixture, mixing well.

    5. Carefully wash and dry the edible flowers. Add them to the batter, distributing them evenly.

    6. Pour the batter into a buttered cake tin and bake for around 45 minutes, until golden brown.

    7. Let the cake cool before unmolding and dusting with powdered sugar.

    I hope you enjoy this recipe! Feel free to modify it to suit your tastes by adding other ingredients, such as fruit or spices. The edible flowers add a touch of color and delicate fragrance to this cake.

    Published on 12 May 2024 at 15:39

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    Issa D

    Issa D

    Web Editor

    I am a doctor and the dean of the Naturopatandco team. My main role is to popularize the information as much as possible to make it pleasant to read. My family has always valued the use of nature and plants to heal itself.