Kefir : A benefit for intestinal health

Joaquim A | 26 May 2024
Reading time : about 4 minutes
Kefir : A benefit for intestinal health

    Kefir grains are a combination of bacteria and yeast that ferment the lactose in milk to produce kefir. They look like small whitish pads and can be seen in the drink. Kefir grains are used to make kefir at home by mixing them with milk and leaving the mixture to ferment for several days.

    Kefir grains can be hard to find commercially, but you can order them online or get them from someone who already grows them. You can also try making your own kefir grains, but this can be a little more complicated and time-consuming.

    What is kefir ferment ?

    Kefir is a fermented drink made from milk, usually cow's, goat's or sheep's milk. It is obtained using kefir grains, which are a combination of bacteria and yeast that ferment the lactose contained in milk. The result is a carbonated, slightly acidic beverage rich in health-promoting probiotics.

    How to recognize it ?

    Kefir is difficult to recognize simply by looking at it, as it generally has a similar appearance to ordinary milk. However, it is often served in a clear glass or container, so you can see the kefir grains suspended in the drink. These grains look like small whitish pads and can be seen by looking closely at the drink. Kefir also has a slightly acidic smell, which can help you recognize it. If you're in a supermarket or specialty store, you should be able to find bottles of kefir in the dairy products section.

    How to make it

    Here's how to make kefir at home :

    1. In a large container, mix 1 cup of kefir grains with 1 liter of skim milk at room temperature.

    2. Cover the container with a clean cloth or perforated plastic lid to allow air to pass through.

    3. Leave the mixture to ferment at room temperature for 24 to 48 hours, depending on the desired temperature and texture.

    4. After fermentation, filter the kefir grains using a fine sieve or clean cloth. Reserve the grains for further fermentation.

    5. Pour the filtered kefir into clean, hermetically sealed glass bottles.

    6. Place the kefir bottles in the fridge for at least 24 hours to stop fermentation and obtain a fresh, carbonated drink.

    7. Kefir can be stored in the fridge for about a week. If you wish, you can add fruit, spices or sweeteners to vary the flavor.

    It's important to note that making kefir requires kefir grains, which are hard to find commercially. You can order them online or get them from someone who already grows them. You can also try making your own kefir grains, but this can be a little more complicated and time-consuming.

    What are the properties of kefir ?

    Kefir is rich in probiotics, i.e. bacteria and yeasts beneficial to intestinal health. These probiotics can help maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora, which can improve digestion and boost the immune system.

    Kefir also contains vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and B vitamins. It is also rich in protein and short-chain fatty acids, which can be beneficial for cardiovascular health.

    Because of its probiotic and nutritive properties, kefir can benefit health in a number of ways. It can help relieve irritable bowel symptoms, prevent yeast and intestinal infections, and reduce blood cholesterol levels. It can also help relieve allergies and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

    What are kefir's medicinal virtues ?

    Kefir has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its probiotic and nutritive properties. It is considered a healthy beverage, beneficial for digestive and immune health.

    According to some studies, kefir can help relieve irritable bowel symptoms and prevent yeast and intestinal infections. It may also be beneficial in reducing blood cholesterol levels and relieving allergies and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

    Published on 26 May 2024 at 16:04

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    Joaquim A

    Joaquim A

    Web Editor

    I have a great passion for nature. I trained as a pharmacist, during which time I acquired a certain amount of knowledge. It is now time to use this knowledge by sharing it with as many people as possible.